Physio Business Coaching

Considering physio business coaching?

Are you looking to learn from people who have been there before you?

Want better systems and processes to help grow your clinic?

There’s no better place to start than Gun Physio Academy.

When I started my business I was very lucky to have a mentor from day 1.

And it absolutely expedited my progress.

In fact I’d say it cut down about 7 years of learning.

This was a great launching pad for me but I still wasn’t prepared for the challenges I faced in 2020.

Nothing prepares you for the real world like the real world.

Melbourne, 2020

I worked through the most tumultuous period in Melbourne.

Running a startup clinic, that was less than 18 months old at the start of COVID.

The clinic journeyed through over 200 days of on-off and sustained lockdowns.

This included facing restrictions where at times the only place I was allowed to go was to work.

I wasn’t even allowed to go outside my 5km radius and I definitely couldn’t go anywhere after 9pm.

This was the extremities of the scenario between 2020 and 2021 in Melbourne, living within the walled city.

Inside the ‘ring of steel’.

Physio business coaching

Life after lockdowns

But instead of spending my down time wallowing in self pity.

Or learning how to bake bread.

I went on the biggest journey of self-guided business tuition I’ve ever been on.

I did a deep dive into everything.

Reading books at night, listening to audiobooks on the drive to work.

Spending hours on Facebook groups, chatting with owners.

And even diversifying well beyond physio.

I went into a rabbit hole of existentialism only to come out with more questions.

It kept me busy and kept my brain very active.

And it equipped me with some serious complementary skills.

Skills that I am continuing to develop in what is now, my new business!

Why am I telling you this?

It’s because I am actually far more at home in the business space than I ever was in physiotherapy.

But I still love physiotherapy and the people that work within this amazing field.

And that’s not an indictment on my physio career.

I pushed myself very hard in that space too.

I’ve completed over 300 hours of professional development as a therapist.

I even completed my post-graduate training.

I had embarked on a proper 10 year journey to become a “Gun physio“.

Unfortunately, I actually fell out of love with physio.

This happened pretty much around the time I started my business.

I went through some pretty low points on my journey, in fact.

A journey that lead me all the way to my own red flag.

I journeyed deep into the valley and spent a lot of time soul searching.

Where was my path actually taking me.

And after making the decision to sell my clinic it finally revealed itself.

Why physio business coaching?

I realised early on that I was actually really good at business.

The analytics of business.

The decision making.

The riding of the ups and downs.

I just feel that through physio business coaching, I get to feel the same high.

That same high you feel daily when your patient returns pain free.

And physiotherapy clinic owners have pain, don’t you worry.

I know this pain, I’ve been there.

I’ve worked the long hours.

I’ve sat in the same place as you, waiting for patients to turn up.

Or dealing with trouble recruiting physio’s

Or poor performers.

I’ve been there too and I know what you need.

And most importantly, what you don’t need too.

Time is money

What you don’t need right now is someone to tell you what you’re doing wrong.

Or someone to talk at you, with a million different strategies to ‘enhance’ your business.

Only to send you on a wild goose chase every week.

You would probably prefer a bit of a break.

Perhaps someone who takes a bit off your plate even.

And that’s exactly where I come in.

Physio business coaching

I see my job in a very similar vein to physiotherapy itself.

I actually need to do something for you to help with your pain, first and foremost.

My aim is to do as much of this pain relief as possible.

The first few months we work together are critical for this.

It’s only after this that we can properly take a ‘look under the hood’ of your business.

Get to the heart of growing your business.

And, get you to your best quality of life.

Often it takes a long time to roll these kind of strategies out.

And my job isn’t to be there forever.

It’s to give you the knowledge, resources and expertise to do all of those things.

Whilst having a guide, who helps you cut through the maze.

In this way, you decide everything that happens along the journey.

And I’m here to provide assistance in every which way I can.

Ready to take the next steps towards your journey?

Why not join my Facebook group, Purpose Driven Practices.

Or, if you’d like to learn more check out one of my favourite blog posts on how to improve your physio profit.

Excited to begin?

Book a free call with Shane Guna.

This is a fantastic get-to-know you opportunity and a chance to discuss any challenges you are currently facing.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity

Shane Guna Physio Business Coach

Who is Shane Guna?

I help physio business owners frustrated by low profits.

When you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:

Physio Business Coaching

Free Discovery Call

A FREE 30 min call with Shane to discuss your business challenges.

Struggling for profits?

Pre-register for my digital course, PROFITS to learn more about pay structures.

The Art of Commmission




gun Physio academy


Are you tired of employees always asking for more money?

Are you struggling to actually make ends meet at the end of the month?

Do you want a better way to ensure profitability without having to work so much?

These are some of the biggest challenges I find owners having at the moment.

And it often comes back to 3 key things… 1. Not charging enough; 2. Flakey Patients AND 3. Overpaying staff.

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