Physio owners, are you ready to make real PROFITS??

Get unlimited access to my online course, 


The first ever digital business course specifically designed for busy physiotherapy clinic owners.

Introducing Shane Guna

As a passionate physiotherapist myself, I always wanted to open a practice.

But the minute I started, I knew it wasn’t for me.

The hours were horrific and the rewards slim to nil.

Every minute of the day someone wanted my attention.

Patients, staff, more patients, admin questions, phone’s ringing non-stop.  

Then came HR meetings, bookkeepers, accountants, marketing and sales people…

The list goes on, and on.

It was exhausting and that was before COVID19 came along!

I made a decision in March 2020.  

I decided to build my practice as fast as I could to get myself out of treating.

And once I finally found some breathing space, I realised that I actually love business.

I love the finances and the operations.  

And all the analytics behind successful marketing.

This is what gets me excited, far more than a “sore rotor cuff” (lol).

So now I’m a business coach.

I no longer have an enterprise and I couldn’t be happier.

Coaching allows me to get all the joy of being amongst the action, whilst enabling me to work to my own schedule.

I value time with my family and kids very highly and I’m sure you are the same.

And that’s why I’m here to help you.

Help get that time back in your pocket the way I did.

And find the joy of being an owner.

A lifestyle of flexibility anchored by financial security.

No longer living and working pay check to pay check!

If that sounds like a journey you’d like to take, why not check out the video below and let’s get started!


The power of Online Learning


Expert Coaches

Get access to a full-time dedicated physiotherapy business coach, in Shane Guna


Unlimited Access

All the content, all in one place, with unlimited access.


24/7 Online Support

The best part of online learning, you just need to ask a question and support will be in touch with you.

Three key sections completed over 9 weeks

Attract Engaged Patients

Attract Engaged Patients

The number one marketing element you should focus on, building out our clinics brand.

Your niche, your target audience and the referrers who will help you get there.

Fair wages

Pay Fair Wages

You want your staff to be well rewarded.

But not at the expense of your bottom line.

In this course you will learn how it is possible to pay well and still make good money from your clinic.

Raise prices

Confidently Raise prices

Through enhancing client experience, you will learn the strategies to put your clinic in a position to confidently raise it's prices.

What you will learn

– Creating your own personal brand

– Carving out a niche market

– Focussing in on a target audience.

– And spreading that message across your own channels

– Relationship Marketing for physiotherapists

– Building out a hit list of potential referrers

– Setting up for your first meetings

– How to go from meeting referrers to actually getting referrals

How to prevent people who hit your website from dropping out of your ecosystem (statistics show that 97% of people don’t actually convert into bookings!)


– Auditing your website and physical advertising strategies (I’ll teach you the exact method I use with my private clients)

– Building a library of content to enhance your digital ecosystem

– Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategies, including keyword research tools that expert marketers use


– Simplifying the business numbers

– Taking baseline measures for all of your therapists performance.

– Looking at their actual billings AND comparing against industry standards

– Moving away from rigid hierachial structures and into values and purpose-driven leadership

– How we can use CULTURE to drive performance, rather than old fashioned KPI’s.

– Using the VOICE criteria, my own personal approach to building amazing cultures…

How to structure your mentoring sessions and 1:1s to get the very best out of your team members!

And finally, the most fun thing in the universe… 

Performance management 

– learn to do this to the highest standards that any HR executive would be proud of 


– Measure your client experience using a Net Promotor Score (NPS)

– Adding perceived value to your consults through strategies such as reciprocation

– The commercial skills that all your physiotherapists need to have

– How to fill those empty diaries using effective treatment plans 

(not sleazy sales techniques or high pressure block-bookings)

– Killing off adverse money mindsets and creating a culture where busy is the norm.

– Getting away from low fee structures and third party payers.

– How to celebrate your best clients and build more word-of-mouth

– And last but not least we make that final commitment on price.  

This is NOT for you IF...

  • You’re not open to trying new things.
  • You don’t genuinely value your patients, your team OR your local community.
  • You feel that physio owners deserve to be punished with low take home income, often below their own staff… long hours and endless to do lists.
  • You don’t like watching videos of people with beards… (lol)!

This is for you IF...

  • You are sick of putting in massive hours without seeing substantial financial returns.
  • You’re looking for innovative ways to grow your business, manage your staff and increase your bottom line.
  • You are someone who genuinely wants to help both your patients AND your team prosper!
  • You are keen to join a community of like-minded physio business owners, who will work together and support each other on that journey!

Shane Guna's method has been tested

“Our coaching sessions have helped me become a better version of myself. It has given me a confidence boost.”
“I use all the strategies we have learnt on a day-to-day basis with the team & my clients.”
“I'm genuinely grateful for all the wisdom and advice you've shared. Your mentorship is invaluable to us.”

join the 20% of profitable clinic owners

Imagine this… 

You have 6 weeks of CASH in your business bank and all your bills have already been paid.

When you go out to a restaurant you just TAP your card, without ever checking the bill.

You have the freedom to CHOOSE to have a regular coffee date with your partner (or your dog!)…

Rather than dragging yourself back to the clinic for an early shift every Wednesday morning.

NO MORE LAPTOPS at the dinner table.

You get back to a healthy 8 hours of QUALITY sleep.

Your gym routine can finally be prioritised ahead of seeing other people and talking to them about their health!

For those with kids (or those who are kids at heart!) – you can finally take that holiday to Disneyland you always dreamed of.

And last but not least, 

Your journey to being your best self

As a consistently profitable physiotherapy business owner… begins.

Frequently Asked Questions

Profits includes 9 core modules completed over 9 weeks.
This includes a weekly, 60 minute LIVE coaching call with myself.

As well as daily interactions on the circle platform itself.

Profits has been designed specifically for busy physio clinic owners.

A time commitment of 2-3 hours per week is sufficient to get through a module, live call and any implementation.

This cohort is set up in its own private community on Circle. On there you will be able to login to your own profile, add the live sessions to your calendar, download the course material, chat with other students and watch the lesson recordings.

You will have access to this community forever.


Yes! All sessions are recorded live and you will have exclusive access to them within Circle.

You will have access to the course material FOREVER.

This includes all live sessions, prior Profits live sessions, and any other included material, notion templates and assets.

I have done my best to make this course applicable to ALL physio practice owners. 
Those who sit between about 30K and 80K per month will likely get the most out of it.

You will have access to the first 9 course modules as soon as you purchase.

The first LIVE coaching call is scheduled for Tuesday October 8th.

Early Bird for Cohort Two!

Cohort two is now open.
This course is now tried and tested, and it's proving to be a big hit amongst the early adopters.

To keep it cosy, I'm dropping the numbers right back.
That's right, the next cohort is limited to 5 people.

That's it... The first 5 applicants to join.

Early Bird pricing will remain open until midnight Sunday 22nd September, 2024


Exclusive for the first 5 people to book!

Still here??

I'm not sure what to say...

I thought I would be able to convince you by now!

So, this is my last effort.

Let me walk you through a mental practice that I try to do with every big business and personal decision. Especially those that require a substantial financial commitment.

Take a deep breath.

Imagine yourself 10 years from now.

What is going to happen if you keep doing all the things you're currently doing?

Will you be better or worse?

Will today, this week, this month, or this year become a step in the direction of the person you want to become? Or a step towards the life you're trying to avoid?

If you think you will be worse... well, I think you know what you need to do (it involves clicking the button below).

If you think you will be better... how much better?

If you signed up, and we worked together, could we hit your 10 year goal in 5 years?

What if you hit it in 1 year?

That is the power of focus, and actionable knowledge.

Taking all the lessons I've learnt over the years and applying that knowledge to your business.

What kind of impact could that have on the next 10 years of your career?

The choice is in your hands.

© 2024 Gun Physio Academy.

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