Award Rates Calculator: Check your physio pay FY24 (Beta)

This calculates the MINIMUM wage you can pay your physio staff member in accordance with the award.

Things to know beforehand

Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 (C.2.1 Full-time and part-time health professional employees—ordinary hours and penalty rates update July 2023).

You can use the physio award rates calculator for FY24.

Pay is seldom perfect, this form is at best 98% correct.

Certain quirks exist:

There are not 52 weeks in a year, there are 52 weeks and 1 day (sometimes 2 days).

Superannuation is 11% (FY 24).

Annual Leave Loading (ALL) of 17.5% – via the grossed up method – I believe this is simpler for all parties, however if you have accounting software that allows you to easily apply ALL then by all means do that.

Gun Physio Pay Calculator

Please enjoy my pay calculator. This is still in BETA form as I'd really appreciate some feedback. I've done my best to account for any errors but if you do find anything please let me know.

Award pay calculator, physiotherapists

How to retain more therapists: Start with price strategy

For too long physiotherapists and owners have struggled in a world of marginal gains, particularly when it comes to price. The result is large swathes of therapists entering private practice, becoming disillusioned within their first 3 years and leaving not just the sector but the entire profession. A few months back I raised this issue […]

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    Disclaimer re: Award

    The Gun Physio Rates Calculator is to estimate for illustrative purposes.

    It is not a legal document.

    Do not use this as a definitive guide for salary calculations.

    Actual payments may vary based on individual circumstances and additional factors not accounted for in the award rates calculator.

    The physio pay calculations are based on the recommendations of the Fairwork Commission Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020, MA000027 (July 2023 update).

    Please consult with a qualified accountant, payroll professional, or legal advisor to ensure accurate calculations according to the applicable laws and regulations.

    This physio pay calculator references the Australian Fair Work Allied Health Award (MA000027).

    The Award contains legal obligations including pay rates, and it is the responsibility of the employer to be aware of their obligations and comply with the Award.

    We recommend that you refer directly to MA000027 for complete and accurate information about the award conditions.

    Your use of this calculator is subject to these terms and implies your acceptance of this disclaimer.

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