Shane Guna

Is the obsession with take down culture killing us

Take down culture

Crossposted from Linkedin – originally published 5/4/24 in the Gun Weekly

On my third attempt at using Instagram @shaneguna, I’m still faced with this ever present challenge.

I find, at times, the content that gets shared by physio accounts to be quite unprofessional.

Honestly, at 37, I’m not old enough to be this grumpy…

Granted I often misspell TicTok [sic] and I’ve never downloaded Snapchat.

I’ve been on most big platforms for long enough.

I was actually around before Facebook, you know?!

But it’s the culture that I find most concerning.

One based solely around tearing others’ down.

Who are you really taking down?

What I find disturbing is how many physio’s are quite happy to publicly attack their own profession.

Do they not understand who they are attacking?

Every time you say something negative about your occupation, you are really just hurting yourself.

And not to mention the many, many people who work tirelessly to build things up.

Perhaps when people have never built, they don’t realise the extend of their destruction.

Similar to how my Toddler only knows to make mess, and I’m left cleaning it up of an evening.

Why is it my third attempt?

Well, I’ve found it very exhausting to the point where I’ve often just removed myself.

Attempts to converse are often met with serious heat.

I use the internet to test my ideas.

I want criticism, or at least a reasonable debate.

This helps me improve.

Otherwise I’m stuck in my own head too much.

But again, I’m probably amongst the minority here.

The darker side of peoples’ personality tends to be on show in the comments section.

Yes, this may be the new world.

But on closer inspection, how we carry ourselves in the digital space says a lot more about who we really are as people.

This distinction is becoming clearly by the hour.

What happens next shouldn’t shock you

Do we really need to take others down in order to build ourselves up.

Or does it actually just shrink everybody.

Especially when we stand on the shoulders of those we choose to attack.

We all know what happened to (You-Know-Who), in the UK last year.

Perhaps this is just food for thought.

Or perhaps there will come a time when the content of people’s social accounts comes under much closer scrutiny by AHPRA.

I think the latter is inevitable.

And a necessary quality control in a world that gets more divided by the minute.

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